I don’t believe in the concept of one:


Instead, I believe in the concept of:

“soul clusters”

Let me explain:

How many people are there on planet Earth?

8 billion people

Do I believe that there is only 1 person out of these 8 billion people that is my soulmate

No, that sounds ridiculous to me

Rather, I believe that there are a reasonably sized group of people

Spread around the world

That if I were to get into a relationship with them

The two of us would be the kind of people

that would probably have a very good chance

of building a successful life together

Would we fulfil every single criteria for each other?


But the match percentage between us would be above

a certain threshold

That would be high enough for me to say that

this person is the right kind of person

for me to enter into a long-term relationship with

that I hope will last for the rest of our lives

I believe it’s reasonable to assume that the number of these people

in the entire world for any given person

is probably at least 50,000

if not more

and this “cluster” is what I call the “soul cluster”

The trick is to find effective ways to find and attract these people to you