Why Elon Musk Always Wins

Wanna know why a guy like Elon Musk Will almost always win? Because he’s a billionaire But he has no problem losing all of it and sleeping on the floor Like a homeless person If that’s what he has to do For something he strongly believes in I’m not saying this is a good thing or a recommended thing But it’s just a fact He’s that hardcore

February 20, 2024

Let's Normalize Feeling Bad Around People

We need to normalize feeling shitty when we’re around other people A person who is seriously having a bad day (for whatever reason) should not have to fake being ok around family, friends and co-workers Human beings are not supposed to act the exact same every single day We have ups and downs This is natural and if you’re suffering from a mental health disorder These ups and down are just a natural part of your life...

February 19, 2024

I Don't Believe in Soulmates

I don’t believe in the concept of one: “soulmate” Instead, I believe in the concept of: “soul clusters” Let me explain: How many people are there on planet Earth? 8 billion people Do I believe that there is only 1 person out of these 8 billion people that is my soulmate No, that sounds ridiculous to me Rather, I believe that there are a reasonably sized group of people Spread around the world...

February 18, 2024

What if Mahatma Gandhi Was Reasonable?

Imagine if Mahatma Gandhi had listened to his family and friends and would have been more reasonable and gotten a nice job as a lawyer making a good salary : ) What would the world look like then?

February 10, 2024